| Innovaci贸n y Talento

馃挕Idea Plan馃挕

Complete each item:

馃搫 Describe it without taking into account technological or budgetary limitations.

A mobile app that connects local farmers directly with consumers in their area, allowing consumers to purchase fresh produce directly from the source. The app would also provide information on the specific farm and its practices, as well as recipe ideas for the produce.

馃槑 Sell it! Convince me! Put on your marketing glasses and try to persuade us with your words.

Are you tired of buying produce that has been sitting on a shelf for weeks and losing its nutritional value? Our app connects you directly with local farmers in your area so that you can have access to fresh produce that is picked straight from the source. You鈥檒l be supporting small businesses and sustainable farming practices while enjoying the freshest and most nutritious produce possible.

馃憖 Threats. Yes, you have to think about the elements that can be negative for the development, growth, and permanence of the idea.

One of the biggest threats to this idea is the competition from established grocery stores and online retailers. Another potential threat is the difficulty in building trust between consumers and farmers, especially if there have been previous incidents of foodborne illnesses.

馃崁 Opportunities. Try to identify the need, gap, or niche that would be filled.

This app would fill the need for access to fresh, local produce that is sustainably grown. It would also provide an opportunity for small farmers to connect with a larger customer base and increase their revenue. Additionally, the app could be expanded to include other locally sourced products, such as meat, dairy, and baked goods.